April 19, 2015

A Benediction for the Battle

Passage: Psalm 20
Service Type:

Psalm 20

A Benediction for the Battle

  • Outline
    1. Superscript
    2. The Benediction for the Battle vss. 1-5
      1. The Situation for Supplication v. 1
      2. The Source of Support v. 2
      3. The Solicitation of Sacrifice v. 3
      4. The Supplication for Satisfaction v.4
      5. The Side-effect of Salvation v.5.
    3. The Assurance of the Answer vss. 6-8
      1. The Surety of Success v. 6
      2. The Seat of Security v. 7
      3. The Seriousness of the Selection v. 8
    4. A Summary Plea v. 9
  • Observations/Applications
    1. The Christian life is a battle.
    2. Prior to Battle one must flee to the sanctuary.
    3. When pleading with God, plead for covenant mercies.
    4. Our prayers for ourselves are not sufficient by themselves.
    5. Acceptance of our sacrifice depends upon faith not the mere performance of the sacrifice.
    6. God's blessing upon our fellow brethren results in increased joy for us.
    7. If God's will is our will then we can rightly pray that God would give us the desires of our hearts.
    8. It is appropriate to use means but not to trust in means.
    9. Don’t underestimate the power of singing God’s word.