We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Following a lesson of 30-40 minutes, we enjoy a time of corporate prayer. Currently, our study is led by Elder Scott Thomas. The lessons are typically available online through the links below. The exceptions are when the series is in the form of class discussion.
Links to our current and previous studies are below.
Current study: Our current study, Romans 8, from Ligonier, has copyright limitations, so we are unable to post its content on our site.
Previous studies:
For God Alone, a study of Biblical principles of worship.
Maturity, a study of the importance of, approach to, and difficulties with spiritual maturity
The Shadow of Calvary, a study of Gethsemane, the arrest, and trials of Jesus.
This Is God’s Will is a brief study of the will of God.
What is Reformed Theology? A video series from R.C. Sproul.
From the Mouth of God, based on the book of that name by Sinclair Ferguson.
The Holiness of God, loosely based on the book and teaching series of the same name by R.C. Sproul.
Here is Jack Becht‘s four week study of First and Second Causes.
Stop Loving the World, based on the book of the same name by Puritan minister William Greenhill.
Books of the Prophets, a survey of the writing prophets of the Old Testament.
The Mystery of Providence based on John Flavel’s book of the same title.
The Knowledge of Christ is a study loosely based on the book, Knowing Christ, by Mark Jones.
The Coming Kingdom is based on Isaiah chapters 13 – 27
The Great Gain of Godliness, from the book by Puritan minister and author, Thomas Watson
Searching Our Hearts in Difficult Times – a study of John Owen’s book containing lectures and sermons on this topic

All Things for Good, based on Puritan author Thomas Watson’s book of the same name (formerly published as “A Divine Cordial”)
Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion,” an overview of this work, and a discussion of its impact and influence.
“Our Reformed and Baptist Heritage” a series of biographies from our history.
Practical Religion, by J.C. Ryle
One of our earlier studies, led by former Elder Mike Meyers, on John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress may be found here.