Doctrines of Grace 2015

Dr. Jim RenihanOur 2015 Doctrines of Grace Conference took place April 24, 25 and 26 at West Suffolk Baptist Church. The speaker, Dr. James M. Renihan, is Dean and Professor of Historical Theology at the Institute for Reformed Baptist Studies at Westminster Seminary California.

Dr. Renihan spoke on

  • the meaning of being a “reformed” Baptist
  • why we need a confession, and practical applications of having one,
  • how the Reformation came to England.

He also preached at our Lord’s Day service.

Sessions for the 2015 Conference were:

Friday, April 24: What is the Significance of Being a Reformed Baptist?



Saturday, April 25 (9:30 am): Why Do We Need A Confession of Faith?



Saturday, April 25 (10:45 am): Practical Applications of the Confession (in our personal devotional & church life)


Saturday, April 25 (1:00 pm): Informal Question and Answer Session



Sunday, April 26 (10:00 am): How the Reformation Came to England (part 1)



Sunday, April 26 (6:30 pm):How the Reformation Came to England (part 2)

