What To Expect

Why do we gather together as a congregation?

We believe that it is every man’s first obligation to worship and serve His Creator, but that men in their natural state cannot do so, absent the regenerating power of the Spirit of God.

If the church, composed of redeemed men and women, is duty bound to worship and serve God as its first obligation, it is equally true that the church must worship as God Himself directs. That means that all worship is to directed to God alone and only through the mediation of Christ alone.

In keeping with the Reformed tradition, our worship is conducted in accordance with the Regulative Principle. For those unfamiliar with the Regulative Principle, follow this link to the Position Paper of the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA) on the subject.


Wear what is comfortable.


In addition to singing traditional and historic hymns of grace and glory, we enjoy the singing of the psalms using the Trinity Psalter.


Growing from a passion to allow Scripture to structure and regulate our worship gatherings, the preaching of God’s Holy Word is central.

Lord’s Supper

We observe the Lord’s Supper at the close of our morning worship service on the first Lord’s Day of each month. Afterwards we enjoy a time of fellowship through a “pot-luck” meal.


Though we have a nursery for infants and toddlers under two, our church encourages our members and visitors to include their children in our worship services. We understand that this practice may be unfamiliar to
some, and that forbearance and patience are required by all. We also know that some young ones  are unable to sit for the entire service, so our foyer is equipped with speakers in order to serve as a worship service behavior training area or as a cry room, as necessary.