Sam Gunnip and Taiuk Seo met while in seminary in 2014, and developed the idea of serving together in South Korea, to bring a confessional Reformed Baptist presence to that nation. In 2019 Taiuk returned to his home of South Korea from the US. In 2020 Sam and his family relocated from the USA to South Korea to begin the work.
Sam and Taiuk began working with Pastor Daiel Park and his church, as they sought to embrace confessional Reformed Baptist doctrines. In 2024 Noeun Sola Reformed Baptist Church was formally constituted with a new church order, a new covenanted membership, and a new plurality and parity of pastors where Daeil, Taiuk, and Sam will continue serving together, to help reform already existing churches and to plant healthy Reformed Baptist churches, in both South Korea and the greater region.
The website for more information on the Korean Mission Team and its work is located here.
A sermon at West Suffolk Baptist Church by Taiuk Seo is below:
Psalm 51, October 22, 2022