Bible Text: Psalm 37 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: Psalm 36 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: Psalm 35 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: Psalm 34 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms In Psalm 34, David gives instruction as to what it means to fear the Lord. The first aspect…
Bible Text: Psalm 30 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: Psalm 28 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms Remember that there is far more in a text than we often see at first glance Remember that…
Bible Text: Psalm 27 | Preacher: Elder Mike Prince | Series: Psalms Questions for Consideration in Family Worship What is unique about David using the term "light" in reference to…